Monday, July 22, 2013

Sarah Pulls........A lot of things

We never knew why or how our recliner lost all its “hair”.  For years, the arms of it became progressively bald.  We didn’t know why.  If you remember from my earlier posts, we were “clueless” about Trichotillomania for quite a while.

Sarah not only pulled a lot of the fabric hair from our recliner, but we have found similar bald spots in our couch and in blankets.  Before I became clued into Trich, I would have never thought twice to look for these clues.  I never noticed these little bald spots here and there.  I think it’s cute.  Hey, it’s just furniture right?  We can throw it away and buy new ones.   I have begun watching yard sales for a new “disposable” recliner to accommodate her pulling.  I’ve decided that I don’t care that it wouldn’t match our decor.  I can always throw a sheet over it or place it in the garage if we have company.  As long as she feels better about herself and doesn’t self loath for pulling her own hair, I’m happy to sacrifice the furniture.  This is part of having Trich.  Now that I understand it, I will do whatever I can to help.


  1. that's really smart. I knew a lady who would take fabric squares and give them to her child who would basically disintegrate them, but not touch their eyes!

  2. You are an awesome parent and Sarah is so lucky to have you. I wish my Mom had been even half as supporting. Sounds like you are doing everything right. Keep up the good work.
