Information About Trichotillomania

When I discovered that my teenage daughter had Trichotillomania (trik-o-til-o-MAY-ne-uh), I searched high and low for a local support group so she would not feel so alone.  I found nothing.  What I did find was informative internet sites that helped me understand what Sarah is going through and what treatment options some people use.  I have listed a few of them here.

Information Regarding Trich:

NAC: We have tried NAC.  It seems to work for Sarah.  She takes it in the evenings when she's home, a couple of hours before she go's to bed.  We have found that she tends to pull more in the evenings and in her room when she go's to bed.

Resisting The Urge Exercises:
Pull Free Bracelet: This has worked tremendously for Sarah.  Today she is 14 days pull free.  (I'm SUPER proud of her).  Prior to these 14 days, she went 8 days before having to start over again.  She wears her bracelet proudly and her close friends count her beads frequently.  They all notice when she has no beads.  The thought of having to face them the next day with zero beads has been enough to avoid pulling.

Fellow Pullers:
Wayward Hair: Thank you Anna for your bravery and sharing your life with Trich with us.  You have been so inspirational.  Kuddos to you!!!  Keep up the good work.

Beautiful Chloe: Just watched this video.  Made me laugh and cry.  Go Chloe Go!!!!  This was very informative.  All parents of Trich-children should read this post. Another great blog with information for parents to consider and learn from.

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