Social rejection has been Sarah's greatest challenge. It wouldn't be a normal day in high school if there wasn't some kind of issue with a friend or boyfriend or team mate or teacher or classmate. It's very common for high schoolers to have conflict amongst each other one day and the next blow it off and make up. For Sarah it's never this simple. First off, she feels she deserves the rejection because in her mind, she's damaged. Second, the thought of losing that friend and them being upset with her is not just upsetting, it's devastating. She just finished 11th grade and she's gotten a lot better at dealing with it, however it is definitely a challenge for her to deal with.
This week, two things happened that would normally cause her to pull. Her boyfriend that she was dating for a couple months broke up with her and summer basketball season began. Sarah is a great basketball player and loves to play however the conflict between the girls on her team can really get to her. I'm proud and happy to say that she has not pulled. She is now 17 days pull free. This is very exciting and a great accomplishment for her!!
It makes no difference to me if she pulls or not. I wouldn't think anything different of her. I would not love her one bit less. But the guilt, shame and self loathing that she go's through after she pulls is why our family tries to help and encourage her to do the best that she can.
"WHEN" she pulls again, we will support her and remind her of all the wonderful things that make her our special Sarah.
We really enjoyed watching her play 5 basketball games these last two days. She's a stud! Basketball is one of the many things she is great at.
I think I want to be Sarah when I finally decide to grow up.